Clinics in London, Oxford and Stonesfield
Five Element
and Qigong
“Balance is beautiful.” – Miyoko Ohno, Japanese bridge designer
Acupuncture for Everyone
Aaron and Mimi are committed to creating a truly inclusive space at the Source Clinic.
They welcome people from all social identities, including all ethnicities, classes, sexual orientations, gender identities, ages, abilities and cultures.
They offer concessions and sliding scale payment for acupuncture and qigong. See Info and Booking for rates and more information. They also hold regular low-cost acupuncture and qigong community group sessions. Read more...
Understanding Acupuncture
The body loves to be healthy and in balance – it craves homeostasis. Acupuncture works with this concept, and supports the natural rhythms of the body to rebuild health and vitality.
To understand this a little better, think of your energy as flowing through pathways that feed every cell of your body. When that flow becomes blocked or impeded, our energy stagnates, and we can begin to feel sick, out of balance, or just not quite ourselves. Read more...
Qigong with Mimi in the Community Clinic
Qigong is a form of energy cultivation. Qi in Chinese means "life energy" and gong "to steadily shape". It is considered one of the pillars of Chinese medicine, but also the basis of most Chinese martial arts, which draws its principles from Daoism and Buddhism.
Mimi will be offering short qigong practices on the community sessions once a month, using movement as another layer of support and treatment. Qigong sequences are typically given as ‘prescriptions’ to practice in between acupuncture sessions to increase the potency of treatment. Read more...
Some kind words patients have shared over the years
Amazing! My skin cleared up right away. I don't know what you do but it bloody works. I also decided to kick the pill which has helped the moods too. P.K.
A quick email to let you know that the acupuncture sessions really helped my anxiety which is now the lowest it has been for many years. J.C.
Just a quick note to say BIG THUMBS UP. Been feeling ace since the session on Saturday. Big turn around. Thanks so much. A.M. Read more...