The following are some kind words patients have shared over the years...
Just wanted to let you know that although it's obviously such early days I feel barely able to believe it or trust it, the transfer was successful and apparently i am pregnant! Thank you so much for your treatments and wise counsel on the preceding weeks. It helped me a lot. H.W.
Main thing so far is that I still haven't had any migraines, even on days where I would previously been +/- guaranteed due to a variety of circumstances (stressful deadline + interrupted sleep + missed meal + climate conditions) which is fantastic, thanks… J.S.
Amazing! my skin cleared up right away. I don't know what you do but it bloody works. I also decided to kick the pill which has helped the moods too. P.K.
Thank you so much Aaron. I appreciate it and also know that part of the reason I survive so hilariously is because of the monthly reset and understanding you give me. M.T.
A quick email to let you know that the acupuncture sessions really helped my anxiety which is now the lowest it has been for many years. J.C.
I've been meaning to write. The mastitis is GONE! It's amazing! You are officially better than the midwife. It's completely transformed my day to day living. Thank you feels like an understatement. H.C.
You've been such a tremendous help to me and my life, I'm not sure I've ever credited you fully, at least not verbally to you, but I just wanted to say thanks so much for everything. M.P.
Hey Aaron, you (un)f-ed me up yesterday - that was the best! I forgot you were seeing A as well - we were both wiped out and man we slept early and deep and woke up feeling grounded and great! Thanks!! K.D.
I can't wait until my next appointment to tell you that I'm pregnant! Obviously very early days so it's not news we're sharing widely but we're so happy and excited! Thank you so much for all the support you've given us both. I am really believing- I feel calm and confident and I'm still checking in on myself hourly (ish)! H.C.
I have been recommended to see you by 4 different people! S.M.
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for all the help you gave me last year/year before, you were a real star and every day I appreciate the space you gave me to whittle and whinge about my 'issues'. You don't realise the help you gave me, so thank you very much. P.L.
I firstly want to thank you so much. I don’t know how long this will last, but today is the second day that I have woken up with that delicious silence in my ears. I have no idea what you did or how you did it, but I just can’t believe that that dreadful high pitched and unrelenting hissing has gone quiet. I.S.
You have been such an amazing support during a very tough year (can you believe i've been seeing you for a year now?!) I'm sure I would be in a far worse state now if it wasn't for your sound advice, and of course those restorative needles :) M.D
Wow that was a potent session last night. I was looking out of one eye by 9pm and asleep by 9.30. Amazing! Felt completely out of it this morning as it was such a deep sleep. Also, bloating has gone. Thank you! K.P.
So I well and truly feel like my spark has reignited...I felt totally different waking up on Thursday. Like I had a renewed purpose for my own life, basically like my system had kick started again. I am much calmer and at ease and seeing things in a positive and open outlook...and it might not seem like it, but I'm not OVER thinking things! M.H.
The most significant thing which has happened is I have been sleeping better. I managed to sleep almost the whole night through on Monday, I woke up just once only briefly but I managed to get back to sleep straight away. I also slept the whole night through on Tues and Wednesday which is a first for months so this is great. J.P.
I just thought of how long It's been I came for the first time to your practice... and wanted to tell you how much it means to me seeing you and talking to you about anything in my life and my heart and most of all knowing someone is there for me. I feel so happy and grateful I have met you! S.E.
I would like to say that the benefits of your treatment are just great! Not only I feel much better in my mind, I also feel much calmer, and I have lost 1 kilo (yeah!!!). I do want to keep doing the treatment as it keeps my energy level at a good level and I have never felt so good in a long time. L.A.
You helped me return to balance, connect to the Self and experience an alternative way of being (albeit elusive sometimes). P.C.
This morning woke up feeling amazing! All the stiffness has left the back, have my brain back again, energy back up, feeling so so good! In terms of the neck, it has improved hugely - I now have a lot more movement in it again so can move fully left + right without any catching! Amazing effort so thanks very much for the excellent treatment. B.B.
Sooo after a day of major indigestion after the treatment (!?) I have been feeling so light the past few days. It's sort of - ironically - tinged with anxiety because I'm so out of the habit at the moment of feeling that way! - but I've had way more energy and felt much clearer headed than I can remember feeling for a long time. H.W.
Many thanks for your care and treatment I do feel the benefit. My gait feel stronger with necessary flexibility available. My energy is better and my spirit feels more relaxed (a good improvement) Of all the acupuncture I have had I like the way that 5 element works best. To inlcude ones emotions, one's thinking, one's spirit and the poetic understanding of the points fits well with me I feel it is a very powerful modality so thank you for all the talking through of what was being done. A.J.
Something has really shifted as the psoriasis is diminishing quite visibly. Wow! Thank you so much for moving that big boulder! You are a jewel of unimaginable preciousness… M.P.
Regarding progress on my hip since my last visit, it has felt good and mobility has been exponentially better…my friend even commented on it when we were playing soccer with my son at the park the other day – he has seen me struggle over the past several months and has observed my difficulties in moving. I am not at 100% but am confident that I am moving in that direction. Whatever we are doing is working! H.W.
I know it sounds exaggerated, but leaving your office I was experiencing a calmness and coolness of the mind. Or should I say, I could feel my mind, (my actual mind), cause some of those draining, feverish thoughts gave way for some fresh air. But yeah, I feel a difference. I hope I´m on my way. And I´m thankful. K.E.
It's an incredible realization and I think just now I'm coming to terms with it! And it feels so good. It's like nothing matters really - wherever it is I end up I know it's for my best... Thank you for your kind words and support all this time - you don't know the difference you have made in my life. R.S.
Just a quick note to say BIG THUMBS UP. Been feeling ace since the session on Saturday. Big turn around. Thanks so much. A.M.
The most interesting thing, at least to me, is my response to last week's appointment which was dizzying. After leaving I felt quite spacey but very calm, but as I got on the bus home I started to cry and didn't stop for 2 hours! It felt really amazing, like a huge release, I was really high on it. Since then I have felt very emotionally clear. R.S.